Summer Ewes

Comment Policy: No Trolls, No Solicitations, No Advertisers

Though my blog is obviously publicly accessible and readable by anybody, this is still my blog and I own the content, including what is posted in the comments. I strive to maintain a fairly light, friendly, and family-appropriate tone. Comments are welcome and encouraged, even comments which may disagree with me. But, comments must be clean, polite, on-topic, and respectful. I prefer not to have a blog which contains aggressive, impolite or insulting remarks (from anybody, towards anybody); as these are not enjoyable for the audience to read, and spoil the overall tone of the site.

Consider this space the same as my living room. If you were invited to a dinner party at my house, and you made disrespectful, inappropriate or inflammatory comments in the company of my guests, you would definitely not make it onto future invite lists. So, before making a comment, just give it this test: would this be something you would feel comfortable saying at my dinner table in front of other polite guests? Would the other guests feel comfortable with what you just said? If not, most likely, your comment will end up lost in the spam folder. And for repeat offenders of troll-like behavior, your bio will be put on the blocked list, and you will find all your comments lost in the spam folder, and I will never even see them.

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6 Responses to “Policies”

  1. Dear Ms Canfield,

    I would like to use one of your photos for a publication about sheep (it’s one of the foamy bloat photos). I cannot find your e-mail address on the website. Please contact me as soon as possible at: / +31 (0575) 54 56 88

    Thank you.

    Kind regards,

    Judith Oudkerk
    Roodbont Publishers
    The Netherlands

  2. Michelle Canfield Says:

    Just emailed you Judith!

  3. cheryl crowe Says:

    In one of your blogs you mention flushing with corn and barley. Is this a mix of the two ? Whole corn ? Rolled corn ? cracked corn ? If a mix with the barley is molasses used as a binder ? In another place you mention corn and roasted soybeans for ewes. Elaborate please ? I raise katahdins in New York state and it has been a steep learning curve but I am determined to succeed–eventually. Thanks. Cheryl Crowe

  4. Michelle Canfield Says:

    Hi Cheryl- I usually use corn-oats-barley (COB) or just corn-barley, it’s usually just an equal mix, and I usually get it rolled; though I may change to doing whole in the future. There is some evidence that they digest it more slowly when it’s whole, and though there is some waste, it is a lower risk of acidosis. I never use soy products on my sheep; soy is really high protein, and I just feel it’s too hot. A lot of people do use it with success, but I prefer to use milder, gentler feeds that don’t push their bodies as hard. Corn and barely are things more commonly grown in my state, so prices are a little better, too. You can flush with alfalfa just as well- anything that’s fairly nutrient-dense, and is an increase over whatever they were eating previously, will convince their bodies “we’re headed into a good winter, drop more eggs!” 🙂 But, this is only true for ewes which are lean heading into breeding. If they are already fat, flushing makes no difference. Hope that helps!

  5. Karen Says:

    Hi Michelle, I have written to you previously about using your milk replacer with orphaned lambs and have used it with great success. I have another problem that I cannot find an answer too. I gave a two week old orphaned Suffolk lamb to a woman to raise several months ago. She assured me that she knew how to look after it as she had raised several lambs before. She has recently given the lamb back to me. I was totally shocked. The lamb is four months old and I swear it is no bigger than when I gave it to her. Can I give her (the lamb) anything to make her grow to her potential or will she always be stunted. I feel so sorry for the pitiful little thing. Needless to say that I will not be giving a lamb away again. I feel ashamed……

  6. Michelle Canfield Says:

    Karen, I think the lamb will recover just fine, given time. I find that my ewes continue to grow through their 2nd year, and don’t really hit their full mature size until age three. People who push them hard on grain may get them to hit mature size quicker, but I don’t know if that’s the best approach for ewes where you want longevity; I think growing slower may be healthier. Sounds like your lamb has been a bit in stasis, and the body will prioritize sustaining over growth when nutrition dictates. I bet if you ramp her up on some better feed, she’ll get on the grow again and will catch up over time. Sheep are very resilient!

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